

We are currently looking for a few good potential prospects for Japanese language teaching positions at our group.

Please e-mail or fax your resume or Rirekisho with your email address to the following as soon as possible:

E-mail: mkitani@nifty.com or Fax: 03-3405-1783

Employment conditions

1. Hourly income per lesson is 3,000 yen-5,000 yen.
2. All our lessons are conducted in the client's office or in the client's residence on a visiting basis.
3. The traveling allowance per lesson is 540 yen or more depending on the distance between our office in Roppongi and the client's location.
4. Applicants accepted for employment will be given 3-months-and-half free intensive training in 'Japanese-The Kitani Method' (our group's original method of Japanese instruction). This training is a must. .
5 The average income from this job is around 130,000-160,000 yen per month. Although we assign students to the trainee even during the above training period, the full-capacity income cannot be expected during the first 3-6 months. 

Applicant requirements

1. Age: 45〜58 years old is desirable.
2. STEP Eiken 1-kyu, or
TOEIC score of 900 or over, or
TOEFL Score of 600 or over.
3. Residence within 45-minute commuting distance from
Roppongi, Akasaka, Kamaiya-cho, or Kasumigaseki.
(If you live in Yokohama Area, 60-minute traveling is accepted.)
4. Applicants must have available time open for this job at least 25 hours per week including a combined total of any combination of time available for 4 lessons beginning at 7:30am or at 7:00pm.

This position is the most fit for the ladies who have just completed raising children, and are now searching for the goal to live for, and those who are willing to take the severest training for that goal.

In order to find out what the job market for Japanese teaching positions looks like, we recommend each applicant to visit Bonjinsha, the specialist of Japanese teaching aids, located at 1-3-13 Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku (phone: 3239-8673).